Volunteer your support
This is your moment
Our politics is broken, but it doesn’t have to be this way. You can be part of changing our politics for the better.
We're looking for volunteers who can give some time to help the Independent Group.
If you can help, please see what is needed, and get in touch using the form.
Let’s start changing politics today.
The main parties can’t be part of the change – because they’re part of the problem.
Like so many others, we believe that none of today’s political parties are fit to provide the leadership and direction needed by our country. We have no confidence in their leaderships, competence or culture.
Britain faces real challenges, but the main parties don’t look to the future – they are trapped in the past.
Our country deserves better than this. It’s time to dump the old politics, reach across tribal lines and do what the British people expect us to do – work together to deliver a better life for everyone.
Our values are the same.
We are proud of our country and believe the first duty of government is to defend it and keep us safe. We want an economy that works, with socially responsible business driving the growth that lets us invest in our public services. We believe in the British people, and in their ability to take responsibility for their own lives – backed by a government which is there for them when they need it
Work with us to tackle the challenges we face.
We want you to have the skills you need to succeed in life; the houses your families need to live in; the freedom and support to go as far as your talents will take you. We need to transform our society so that it’s fit for the 21st century.
It’s a big job – and while we’ve taken the first step, this moment belongs to all of us. We need to do this together.
If you share our values, are tired of the mess that politics is in, and are impatient for change, then get involved. Together, we can make a difference.
Join the movement to build the alternative today.